In person complex trauma therapy services

for adults in the OKC Metro and virtual services available throughout Oklahoma.

Maybe you found your way here because…

You feel broken inside as if everyone around you has a map & compass guiding them through life while you bumble your way around feeling like nothing more than an empty shell of yourself. You’ve tried therapy before and have seen some improvements, but you’re still feeling hopelessly lost. You feel stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of progress followed by a whiplash of regression. All of this leaves you exhausted and uncertain of how you can keep going. You may be experiencing complex trauma.

Life doesn’t have to be this endless drudge of misery. Healing is possible… 

Therapy is a place where you can:  

  • Develop a clear sense of identity.
  • Establish genuine self-esteem, self-confidence, & self-compassion.
  • Gain the skills to set boundaries & protect yourself.
  • Learn emotional regulation & self-care skills.
  • Build the skills to have healthy, comforting relationships.
  • Acquire the ability to relax & have peace of mind.
  • Discover the belief that life is a gift.

What is complex trauma anyways? 

Complex trauma develops when your emotional and/or physical safety is threatened over a long period of time.

So, ask yourself the following about your childhood:

  • Was I safe enough at home to talk to my caregiver(s) about my feelings?
  • If I did talk with my caregiver(s) about my feelings, did I feel heard and validated?
  • Did my caregiver(s) help me develop skills to regulate my emotions?
  • Did my caregiver(s) make me feel bad about myself? Or put me down?
  • Did my caregiver(s) spank and/or cause me physical harm?

If you answered no to any of these questions, it shows that your basic needs weren’t met during childhood and that you may be suffering with symptoms of Complex PTSD.  

Complex PTSD can also develop in other situations where our emotional and/or physical safety is threatened over a long period of time. Some examples include: domestic violence, spiritual abuse, or living in a violent community.

What does Complex PTSD look like?

Complex PTSD looks like:

  • Emotional flashbacks (re-experiencing past traumas often without the visual component to remind us of what we are re-experiencing).
  • Ruthless inner critic.
  • Difficulty with emotional regulation.
  • Debilitating shame.
  • Attachment difficulties and/or relationship difficulties.
  • Dissociation.
  • Suicidal ideation.
  • Social Anxiety.

    And the list could go on and on…


Maybe you think therapy isn’t for you because…

Maybe you think going to therapy is “pointless” because “nothing works” & “you’re fatally flawed.

My answer: I feel that at a visceral level, and if you’re feeling that way, I’m so sad to hear that you’re hurting so badly. I approach therapy with creativity and I believe that you are your greatest guide in your healing process. This means that if something isn’t working for you, I’ll look for something that will & collaborate with you to find those answers.  

Secondary answer: Ethically, I’m obligated to let you know when and if I believe we’re not making progress. This way, you can find what works for you, even if that means you work with someone else.

You think it will be too uncomfortable to talk about your trauma.

My answer: Yes. Therapy can make you uncomfortable and it’s sometimes scary to talk about our deepest issues, but we can take it as slowly as you need to. If you’re not ready to talk about something, you don’t have to. 

Secondary answer: In my experience, once you start sharing, it’s not nearly as uncomfortable as you think it would be and the potential relief and change you can experience will be more than worth the discomfort.

What you experienced wasn’t “that bad… no one ever hit me” and you’re telling yourself “I just need to suck it up and move on.”

My answer:  Why suffer when you could feel better? What’s the harm in trying? If it doesn’t work, then you don’t have to keep coming.

Secondary answer: My clients who have experienced both physical and emotional abuse will tell me that they would almost rather be hit than to experience emotional abuse because they know they can heal physically while healing emotionally takes more time and is more challenging.

Why choose me as your therapist? 

Studies have shown that the most important factor for beneficial therapy is the relationship between the therapist and the client, so it’s really important you find a therapist that you like.

You’ll like my approach if…

  • You want a therapist who believes you are the ultimate authority in your own life. You have the answers within you. I’m just here to help you find them.
  • You’re open to using  art, music, meditation, nature, ritual, and other creative avenues to heal.
  • You’re willing to look deep within to find healing, even though it’s really scary.
  • You want a therapist who has their own experience with complex trauma and has done work to heal from it.


Other clients have noted that they like working with me because… 

  • They leave sessions with tools that they can use.
  • I’m authentic & when it’s helpful, I share my own experiences.
  • I believe in doing my own therapy.
  • I do more than nod my head and occasionally mumble an “mm hm” while they talk (PS, if your therapist isn’t more involved than that, please love yourself enough to find a good therapist, even if it isn’t me).


If you feel like we’d be a good fit, love yourself enough in this moment to press the button and schedule a free consultation so that we can discuss your needs and make sure we’re a good fit. Regardless, I encourage you to consider the kindest thing that you can do for yourself today and do it. You deserve it!

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Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

14 + 4 =

56 Expressway

5601 NW 72nd Street, Suite 178-J

Warr Acres, OK 73132

Virtual in all of OK

(405) 626-8138